The vital nature of c-suite support for brand implementation

The vital nature of c-suite support for brand implementation

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Philip Guiliano

As a brand implementation company hired by corporations to roll out a new brand identity across hundreds or thousands of branded assets, we can’t emphasize enough the importance of executive level support to establish buy-in among employees. In the most successful projects we’ve managed in the last 15 years, senior executives at our client companies effectively communicated the rationale and benefits of the brand change, and then set clear, detailed expectations of how it would impact employees.

Recognizing Resource Realities Ensures a More Successful Brand Transition

As our co-founder James Burn wrote in a recent Bloomberg Businessweek article, “Organizations have finite resources, including the time of their people. Operating within those constraints ensures a more cost-effective rollout.” We’re sure you can relate. Because most departments or local offices will be required to support the new brand rollout efforts, it is up to senior management to craft credible, genuine communications that respect employee workloads while marshalling support for an initiative expected to benefit all. It is for this reason that BrandActive supports companies in the creation of their internal project communications, providing clients with templates they can use to customize an effective message.

Components of Effective Communications

A common communication strategy is for a CEO to send a carefully crafted message to directors (or operational leaders) very early on in the process—long before implementation begins, and ideally, before or during the creative development stage. BrandActive drafts the messaging and includes timing recommendations depending on circumstances and the current project stage. Sometimes communication needs to wait for a certain project milestone due to confidentiality or regulatory constraints.

  • An effective email from a senior executive typically outlines:
  • Rationale for the rebranding effort
  • Rebranding benefits and expected outcomes
  • Workload impacts on various divisions
  • Introduces the role BrandActive will play in brand implementation
  • “Next steps” information
  • Contact information for brand transition questions

In a very large organization, communication may begin at headquarters and then continues with more detailed missives from country managers, directors, or operational leaders. Keeping the lines of communication open is highly recommended; an online Q&A managed by your marketing team can be an effective way to keep people informed and engaged about the rollout details, schedules, and responsibilities.

Brand Implementation Tips and Best Practices

We hope you learned some valuable best practices to employ during your next rebranding project. Stay connected with us via LinkedInTwitter, or Google+ for pragmatic and invaluable advice on how to lead a successful brand implementation.

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