Talk about a game-changer! Your company has decided to rebrand. The implications and logistics, both large and small, will excite, challenge, preoccupy and potentially overwhelm you and the whole marketing department for some time to come. Let’s face it, every branded asset needs to be changed and that’s a tall order. Having a plan and a smart approach to this costly and impactful project is essential.
Get your rebranding off on the right foot by reading our list of top 10 insider tips. It will prepare you to ask the right questions and make the best decisions during this tumultuous time.
- Be crystal clear on your company’s rebranding goals and the bottom-line drivers of the brand identity change. Understanding the reasons for the rebranding and the expectations of C-Suite executives allows you to keep your eye on the prize and prioritize accordingly.
- Compiling the right data upfront is key to a successful rebrand implementation. Most companies have lots of information, but the trick is knowing which data to collect and how to consolidate it into a workable format. Do this right, and you won’t miss anything. You’ll have accurate data for analysis and smart decisions. Not only that, but it will set you up to be able to realize significant cost savings, which can be in the millions of dollars during a rebranding.
- The cost to create the new identity is just a fraction of what you will spend implementing it. Be sure that you have a good handle on all the costs that need to be accounted for. You have to be sure to account for every branded touchpoint, and every type of cost, from materials to labor and filing fees when you ask for funding.
- Consider where you can tap existing budgets to help fund the initiative. Be prepared to work with all departments impacted by the brand transition. We help our clients identify funds for their brand rollouts from operational budgets, capital budgets, and special project budgets.
- Generate and evaluate a range of scenarios based on the key variables that drive the success of the brand change in order to create a rock-solid rebrand implementation strategy. Creative development (new logo, tagline, etc.) is just the beginning of a corporate rebranding project. There are multiple ways to approach rebranding that differ in cost, timing, and brand impact. The scenario planning process is a critical starting point for setting up for success.
- Be sure to define what “launch” looks like and what can realistically be achieved with the time and budget you have available. This is a key component of your implementation strategy that because of its importance, warrants its own point! It’s critical to not only consider internal factors such as business needs and costs, but external factors as well such as regulatory, political and other relevant issues to determine the best approach.
- Gain the trust of your C-suite decision makers by having a solid handle on the data and priorities. You will need to present to management (what, how, who, when, how much it will cost, and metrics for success) to support informed decision making within your proposed rebranding strategy. It’s not enough to just do the analysis. You need to have insight into the numbers (ie. industry benchmarks, key assumptions, etc.) so that your recommendations can withstand the scrutiny of key decision makers.
- Be sure to create a carefully considered resourcing plan that gets you all the way to completion. People already have day jobs. You need to ensure that what you are asking the organization to do does not place an untenable burden on your internal resources. Unrealistic resourcing often results in rebrands losing momentum post launch, resulting in incomplete transitions.
- Dependencies will make or break your success. Identify how key milestones impact each other, particularly those with legal implications. Be sure whose support you will need internally and align all parties early in the process. Departments like IT, HR, finance, legal, marketing, and facilities will all be key partners in the process. Be sure to take into account whether these functions are centralized or decentralized, especially if you are a global company.
- Understand the brand compliance requirements for the transition and beyond. Guidelines, standards, and technical specifications must be adhered to for brand consistency and effective ongoing brand management. Think ahead to ongoing brand governance processes and tools that allow everyone to represent the brand properly and efficiently in the years ahead.
These 10 Top Tips are gleaned from BrandActive’s 20 years of experience helping leading organizations navigate the complexities of rebrand implementation. Following these steps will allow you to architect a winning strategy and logistical roadmap.