Podcast Excerpt: Repositioning to align with changing consumer values

Podcast Excerpt: Repositioning to align with changing consumer values

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From the podcast, Beyond the lockdown: Changes in consumer attitudes and business realities that marketers need to address now

Mark Bonham, London School of Economics trained economist, mutual fund pioneer, and philanthropist

So, companies that do well in this type of crisis will be healthcare companies, technology, communication companies, basic service providers such as food services industries, insurance companies. Well, they really should be taking advantage of this opportunity to convey the value of insurance, for example. That is what they did during the Depression and both world wars. Insurance companies came through those types of crisis situations very well.

Listen to the full podcast, Beyond the lockdown: Changes in consumer attitudes and business realities that marketers need to address now.

Resources to learn more:

Brand as a Beacon in Times of Uncertainty – Lippincott

Reimaging Banking Before and After COVID-19 – The Financial Brand