and Brand Operations

Do your marketing and brand operations maximize your speed to market, brand consistency, and resource efficiency?

Whether you’re considering refreshing your positioning, looking to rebrand, going through an M&A, or wondering how you can use your day-to-day marketing dollars and branding budgets more effectively, we’re here to help. 

From years of experience, working with some of the world’s greatest brands, we know that having a strong marketing and brand infrastructure will not only yield financial results, but will lead to a more efficient and effective way of working, allowing you to focus on doing great work that supports your organization’s strategy and objectives.

Leveraging best practices, modelling future states, exploring the latest technologies, and prototyping possibilities, BrandActive’s marketing and brand operations offering helps marketing teams build resilient and agile marketing functions that drive sustainable growth, enhanced brand equity, and deliver value to both customers and stakeholders. 

How are your marketing and brand operations working for you? 

BrandActive’s expertise in marketing and brand operations spans more than two decades. We’ve empowered the world’s most valuable brands to drive productivity and improve outcomes throughout their brand and marketing operations.

Our services include:

Brand Governance

  • Governance models 
  • Brand ambassador programs 
  • Training programs 
  • Brand stewardship  
  • Brand management solutions 

Process and Structure Redesign

  • Department organization 
  • Roles and responsibilities 
  • Talent alignment 
  • Optimal workflow plan(s) 
    • Prioritization of projects and initiatives
    • Project intake and project processes
    • Escalation procedures

Measurement and Tracking

  • KPI definition and tracking 
  • Dashboards 
  • Brand ROI measurement 
  • Brand equity measurement 

Brand Asset Management

  • Asset rationalization
    • Audit of existing assets
    • Strategy for what to keep and what to sunset
    • Migration strategy

Operational Project Management

  • Dedicated project management 

Snapshot of sample deliverables

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Get in touch to learn about our process