How to maximize brand value for your healthcare system as trends show partnerships accelerating

How to maximize brand value for your healthcare system as trends show partnerships accelerating

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Partnerships of all types are increasingly commonplace as healthcare systems look for ways to drive growth and profitability. Key trends point to accelerated partnership activity during pandemic response and beyond.

While maintaining  financial viability is critical, you must also prioritize the health of your patient community. With these goals in mind there are new initiatives that are coming to the forefront of your business strategy–from  organized cooperative efforts to joint ventures and mergers and acquisitions. Your healthcare system executives have high hopes that these partnerships will deliver on their potential.

As a manager responsible for implementing the brand and marketing aspects of these partnerships, you have multiples challenges to solve. These may include gaps in processes, staff experience, and essential tools. It can be  difficult to get diverse partner organizations on the same page and working together efficiently. Collectively, these shortfalls raise the costs and dilute the impact of partnerships.

In this white paper, you’ll learn 5 key principles marketers can apply to manage partnerships in a way that maximizes brand and marketing impact–and minimizes the costs and effort required to execute and maintain them.